Welcome Message

「流行起於高分子,變化盡藏微宇宙」! 歡迎光臨「流變學好簡單 | The RheoMaster」部落格,成立於 2019/2/22,旨在提供簡單的中文流變學知識,包括高分子流變學、輸送現象、高分子加工、流變量測等。您可至右方進行關鍵字搜尋,若有任何建議,請至文章留言或來信 yuhowen@gmail.com。 Welcome to "The RheoMaster" Blog. This website was established in Feb 2019. In view of the lack of Chinese literature on rheology, here we offer basic knowledge relevant to polymer rheology, transport phenomena, polymer processing, rheometry, etc. If you have any suggestion, please leave a message on the post you are reading or email us at yuhowen@gmail.com.


網誌作者近期國際期刊論文發表 (Recent SCI Journal Articles Authored by the Admin)

  Extensional Rheology of Linear and Branched Polymer Melts in Fast Converging Flows 線型、分支型高分子融體於高速收縮流之拉伸流變 Rheol. Acta 62 , 183–204 (2023)...


射出成型系列文章 (Series Articles in Injection Molding)

射出成型 (injection molding) 為生產複雜幾何產品之重要技術,近期將陸續翻譯 T. Osswald 所著 Understanding Polymer Processing 書中的第六章,主題包括:

  1. 射出型週期 (the injection molding cycle)
  2. 射出成型機 (the injection molding machine)
  3. 特殊射出成型製程 (special injection molding processes)
  4. 射出成型之電腦模擬 (computer simulation in injection molding)

(見於部落格文章分類 - 高分子加工 Polymer Processing,或以關鍵字搜尋站內文章)

Ithaca, NY

Reference: Chapter 6 in T Osswald, Understanding Polymer Processing: Processes and Governing Equations, 2nd ed (Hanser 2017).

