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「流行起於高分子,變化盡藏微宇宙」! 歡迎光臨「流變學好簡單 | The RheoMaster」部落格,成立於 2019/2/22,旨在提供簡單的中文流變學知識,包括高分子流變學、輸送現象、高分子加工、流變量測等。您可至右方進行關鍵字搜尋,若有任何建議,請至文章留言或來信 yuhowen@gmail.com。 Welcome to "The RheoMaster" Blog. This website was established in Feb 2019. In view of the lack of Chinese literature on rheology, here we offer basic knowledge relevant to polymer rheology, transport phenomena, polymer processing, rheometry, etc. If you have any suggestion, please leave a message on the post you are reading or email us at yuhowen@gmail.com.


網誌作者近期國際期刊論文發表 (Recent SCI Journal Articles Authored by the Admin)

  Extensional Rheology of Linear and Branched Polymer Melts in Fast Converging Flows 線型、分支型高分子融體於高速收縮流之拉伸流變 Rheol. Acta 62 , 183–204 (2023)...


記憶佳句、段落 (Memorizing Good Sentences and Paragraphs)

選取段落 → 標記重點 → 熟記佳句 → 默寫段落 → 不斷重覆

常常使用 It is... 或 We find that... 等千篇一律的基本句型寫文章嗎?或者動詞的選用不夠恰當、多元嗎?若想要脫離此窘境,提供以下方法供參考。

傳統英文學習的方法是背單字、片語和文法,但對於想精通寫作的人來說,即便有了這些片段的東西在腦中,碰到寫文章時 (尤其是學術寫作),往往腦中一片空白,不知如何開始建構句子,就算寫完一句後,下一句又卡關,因此無法在短時間內寫出一手流利的文章。

這裡提供的方法,是熟記佳句 (找一本自己有興趣的英文書,最好是自己熟悉的教科書),例如下方為化工聖經 Transport Phenomena 第一章的開始


For fluids of low molecular weight, the physical property that characterizes the resistance to flow is the viscosity.

我們可以發現,句中的 low molecular weight 是使用單數而非複數,主詞 the physical property 適合搭配的動詞是 characterize,以及 "the resistance to flow" 是一個搭配詞 。接著可以試著去熟記此佳句,甚至默寫幾遍,幾次後,這個句型就會烙印在腦海中,成為自己的。


(1) In gases the momentum is transported by the molecules in free flight between collisions, but in liquids the transport takes place predominantly by virtue of the intermolecular forces that pairs of molecules experience as they wind their way around among their neighbors.

(2) "Laminar" flow is the orderly type of flow that one usually observes when syrup is poured, in contrast to "turbulent" flow, which is the irregular, chaotic flow one sees in a high-speed mixer.

(3) Energy can be transmitted by means of radiative energy transport, which is quite distinct in that this form of transport does not require a material medium as do conduction and convection.

記憶佳句這個方法,肯定有助於加強寫作的速度、精確度、變化性。初期可從單句著手,接著逐步增加至長度約 150 個字的段落, 例如:


