Wen, Yu-Ho
2024 線上研討會
講題:塑料材料 Digital Twin 與特性掌握對模流分析之影響
Date: Aug 22, 2024 | Location: 大中華 | Time: 2:00 PM CST
網路研討會講題:Benefiting from Material Digital Twin
Date: Jun 07, 2023 | Location: Europe, Asia Pacific | Time: 10:00 AM CEST / 1:30 PM IST
溫玉合目前從事高分子流變學、成型模擬之領域。自 2019 年進入業界後,已發表 2 篇國際期刊論文 (Polymers 2021、Rheologica Acta 2023),以及 1 個美國專利 (US11376776B2)。
2012 年加入美國康乃爾大學 Prof. Lynden A. Archer 研究團隊 (2012–2015),進行複合粒子流體之基礎研究,成果刊登於 Macromolecules (2014、2016)、ACS Macro Lett. (2015)。
2011 年取得國立中正大學化工學士、博士學位,研究主題為高分子流體、膠體懸浮液等之分子交互作用,成果發表於 J. Rheol.、J. Colloid Interface Sci. 等經典期刊 (論文指導為華繼中教授)。研究所期間架設之精密光學系統,包括,雷射光散射和流變光學系統,亦發表於 J. Phys. Chem. B。
研究興趣/Research Interests
∎ Polymer and Colloidal Suspension Rheology/高分子、膠體懸浮液流變學
∎ Measurement, Modeling, and Simulation/流變量測、模型建立、成型模擬
∎ Laser Light Scattering/雷射光散射架設與理論
[2] Wen, Y.-H.; Wang, C.-C.*; Cyue, G.-S.; Kuo, R.-H.; Hsu, C.-H.; Chang, R.-Y. Retrieving Equivalent Shear Viscosity for Molten Polymers from 3-D Nonisothermal Capillary Flow Simulation. Polymers 13, 4094 (2021). 連結
[4] Mangal, R.; Wen, Y. H.; Choudhury, S.; Archer, L. A.* Multiscale Dynamics of Polymers in Particle-Rich Nanocomposites. Macromolecules 49, 5202–5212 (2016). 連結
[7] Wen, Y. H.; Lin, P. C.; Hua, C. C.*; Chen, S. A. Dynamic Structure Factor for Large Aggregate Clusters with Internal Motions: A Self-Consistent Light-Scattering Study on Conjugated Polymer Solutions. J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 14369–14380 (2011). 連結
[9] Wen, Y. H.; Lin, P.-C.; Lee, C. Y.; Hua, C. C.*; Lee, T.-C.* Reduced Colloidal Repulsion Imparted by Adsorbed Polymer of Particle Dimensions. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 349, 134–141 (2010). 連結
[10] Wen, Y. H.; Hua, C. C.* Chain Stretch and Relaxation in Transient Entangled Solutions Probed by Double-Step Strain Flows. J. Rheol. 53, 781–798 (2009). 連結
[11] Wen, Y. H.; Hua, C. C.* Short-Time Stretch Relaxation of Entangled Polymer Solutions Investigated Using Full Rouse Model Predictions. J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys. 44, 1199–1211 (2006). 連結
[12] Wen, Y. H.; Lin, H. C.; Li, C. H; Hua, C. C.* An Experimental Appraisal of the Cox-Merz Rule and Laun's Rule Based on Bidisperse Entangled Polystyrene Solutions. Polymer 45, 8551–8559 (2004). 連結
美國專利/US Patent
∎ Wang, C.-C.; Wen, Y.-H.; Cyue, G.-S.; Hsu, C.-C.; Hsu, C.-H.; Chang, R.-Y. Method of Measuring True Shear Viscosity Profile of Molding Material in Capillary and Molding System Performing The Same. US Patent, US11376776B2 (2022). 連結
演講/Oral Presentations
∎ 2014 Oral, American Physical Society Meeting (Denver, CO, USA)
∎ 2014 Invited seminar talk at Argonne National Laboratory (Chicago, IL, USA)
∎ 2013 Oral, The Society of Rheology 84th Annual Meeting (Pasadena, CA, USA)
∎ 2008 Oral, International Congress on Rheology (Monterey, CA, USA)
∎ 2007 Oral, Annual European Rheology Conference (Napoli, Italy)
∎ 2004 Oral, International Congress on Rheology (Seoul, South Korea)
∎ B.S. in Chemical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, 2003
∎ Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, 2011
∎ Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 2012–2015