Welcome Message

「流行起於高分子,變化盡藏微宇宙」! 歡迎光臨「流變學好簡單 | The RheoMaster」部落格,成立於 2019/2/22,旨在提供簡單的中文流變學知識,包括高分子流變學、輸送現象、高分子加工、流變量測等。您可至右方進行關鍵字搜尋,若有任何建議,請至文章留言或來信 yuhowen@gmail.com。 Welcome to "The RheoMaster" Blog. This website was established in Feb 2019. In view of the lack of Chinese literature on rheology, here we offer basic knowledge relevant to polymer rheology, transport phenomena, polymer processing, rheometry, etc. If you have any suggestion, please leave a message on the post you are reading or email us at yuhowen@gmail.com.


網誌作者近期國際期刊論文發表 (Recent SCI Journal Articles Authored by the Admin)

  Extensional Rheology of Linear and Branched Polymer Melts in Fast Converging Flows 線型、分支型高分子融體於高速收縮流之拉伸流變 Rheol. Acta 62 , 183–204 (2023)...


線上履歷 (溫玉合) | Online Curriculum Vitae (Wen, Yu-Ho)

Wen, Yu-Ho

E-mail: yuhowen@gmail.com
(流變學好簡單|The RheoMaster)


∎ 2024-08-08
2024 線上研討會
講題:塑料材料 Digital Twin 與特性掌握對模流分析之影響
Date: Aug 22, 2024 | Location: 大中華 | Time: 2:00 PM CST

∎ 2023-06-07
網路研討會講題:Benefiting from Material Digital Twin
Date: Jun 07, 2023 | Location: Europe, Asia Pacific | Time: 10:00 AM CEST / 1:30 PM IST

SCI 文章 "Extensional Rheology of Linear and Branched Polymer Melts in Fast Converging Flows" 刊登於流變學經典期刊 Rheologica Acta 2023線上全文預覽 (Full-text access)

∎ 2022-07-05
美國專利申請通過,名稱 "Method of Measuring True Shear Viscosity Profile of Molding Material in Capillary and Molding System Performing The Same"。連結 (Full-text access)

∎ 2021-11-22
SCI 文章 "Retrieving Equivalent Shear Viscosity for Molten Melts from 3-D Nonisothermal Capillary Flow Simulation" 刊登於 MDPI 國際期刊 Polymers連結 (Full-text access)

∎ 2021-5-11
口頭發表研究成果 "Viscous Heating Correction for Polymer Melts in Capillary Rheometry" 於美國 ANTEC 2021 會議。


溫玉合目前從事高分子流變學、成型模擬之領域。自 2019 年進入 Moldex3D 後,已發表 2 篇國際期刊論文 (Polymers 2021、Rheologica Acta 2023),以及 1 個美國專利 (US11376776B2)。

2012 年加入美國康乃爾大學 Prof. Lynden A. Archer 研究團隊 (20122015),進行複合粒子流體之基礎研究,成果刊登於 Macromolecules (2014、2016)、ACS Macro Lett. (2015)。

2011 年取得國立中正大學化工學士、博士學位,研究主題為高分子流體、膠體懸浮液等之分子交互作用,成果發表於 J. Rheol.J. Colloid Interface Sci. 等經典期刊 (論文指導為 華繼中教授)。研究所期間架設之精密光學系統,包括,雷射光散射和流變光學系統,亦發表於 J. Phys. Chem. B


Yu-Ho Wen currently works in the field of polymer rheology and molding simulation. Since he joined Moldex3D (2019–Present), Wen has authorized 2 SCI journal articles (Polymers 2021、Rheologica Acta 2023) and 1 US Patent (US11376776B2).

In 2012, he joined Archer Group at Cornell University (Ithaca, New York) as a postdoc (20122015), carrying out fundamental studies on nanoparticle fluids, such as the dynamics of soft colloids/glasses, ion transport of advanced energy materials, and synthesis of functional nanocomposites.

He received a Ph.D. in chemical engineering from National Chung Cheng University in 2011 (thesis adviser: Prof. Chi-Chung Hua). He has been interested in understanding molecular interactions in complex fluids (entangled polymer solutions and colloidal dispersions), as well as in building in-house optical systems (light scattering and optical rheometry, which were later utilized in his published works).

研究興趣/Research Interests

∎ Polymer and Colloidal Suspension Rheology/高分子、膠體懸浮液流變學
∎ Measurement, Modeling, and Simulation/流變量測、模型建立、成型模擬
∎ Laser Light Scattering/雷射光散射架設與理論


[1] Wen, Y.-H.*; Wang, C.-C.*; Cyue, G.-S.; Kuo, R.-H.; Hsu, C.-H.; Chang, R.-Y. Extensional Rheology of Linear and Branched Polymer Melts in Fast Converging Flows. Rheol. Acta 62, 183204 (2023). 連結

[2] Wen, Y.-H.; Wang, C.-C.*; Cyue, G.-S.; Kuo, R.-H.; Hsu, C.-H.; Chang, R.-Y. Retrieving Equivalent Shear Viscosity for Molten Polymers from 3-D Nonisothermal Capillary Flow Simulation. Polymers 13, 4094 (2021). 連結

[3] Sui, T.; Song, B.*; Wen, Y.-H.; Zhang, F. Bifunctional Hairy Silica Nanoparticles as High-Performance Additives for Lubricant. Sci. Rep. 6, 22696 (2016). 連結

[4] Mangal, R.; Wen, Y. H.; Choudhury, S.; Archer, L. A.* Multiscale Dynamics of Polymers in Particle-Rich Nanocomposites. Macromolecules 49, 52025212 (2016). 連結

[5] Wen, Y. H.; Schaefer, J. L.; Archer, L. A.* Dynamics and Rheology of Soft Colloidal Glasses. ACS Macro Lett. 4, 119123 (2015). 連結

[6] Wen, Y. H.; Lu, Y.; Dobosz, K. M.; Archer, L. A.* Structure, Ion Transport, and Rheology of Nanoparticle Salts. Macromolecules 47, 44794492 (2014). 連結

[7] Wen, Y. H.; Lin, P. C.; Hua, C. C.*; Chen, S. A. Dynamic Structure Factor for Large Aggregate Clusters with Internal Motions: A Self-Consistent Light-Scattering Study on Conjugated Polymer Solutions. J. Phys. Chem. B 115, 1436914380 (2011). 連結

[8] Hua, C. C.*; Lin, C. J.; Wen, Y. H.; Chen, S. A. Stabilization of Bulk Aggregation State in Semiconducting Polymer Solutions. J. Polym. Res. 18, 793800 (2011). 連結

[9] Wen, Y. H.; Lin, P.-C.; Lee, C. Y.; Hua, C. C.*; Lee, T.-C.* Reduced Colloidal Repulsion Imparted by Adsorbed Polymer of Particle Dimensions. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 349, 134141 (2010). 連結

[10] Wen, Y. H.; Hua, C. C.* Chain Stretch and Relaxation in Transient Entangled Solutions Probed by Double-Step Strain Flows. J. Rheol. 53, 781798 (2009). 連結

[11] Wen, Y. H.; Hua, C. C.* Short-Time Stretch Relaxation of Entangled Polymer Solutions Investigated Using Full Rouse Model Predictions. J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys. 44, 11991211 (2006). 連結

[12] Wen, Y. H.; Lin, H. C.; Li, C. H; Hua, C. C.* An Experimental Appraisal of the Cox-Merz Rule and Laun's Rule Based on Bidisperse Entangled Polystyrene Solutions. Polymer 45, 85518559 (2004). 連結

美國專利/US Patent

 Wang, C.-C.; Wen, Y.-H.; Cyue, G.-S.; Hsu, C.-C.; Hsu, C.-H.; Chang, R.-Y. Method of Measuring True Shear Viscosity Profile of Molding Material in Capillary and Molding System Performing The Same. US Patent, US11376776B2 (2022). 連結

演講/Oral Presentations

 2023 Oral, Webinar Series 2023: Benefiting from Material Digital Twin (webinar)
 2021 Oral, ANTEC 2021 (virtual meeting, USA)
∎ 2017 Oral, European PV Solar Energy Conference (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
∎ 2014 Oral, The Society of Rheology 86th Annual Meeting (Philadelphia, PA, USA)
∎ 2014 Oral, American Physical Society Meeting (Denver, CO, USA)
∎ 2014 Invited seminar talk at Argonne National Laboratory (Chicago, IL, USA)
∎ 2013 Oral, The Society of Rheology 84th Annual Meeting (Pasadena, CA, USA)
∎ 2008 Oral, International Congress on Rheology (Monterey, CA, USA)
∎ 2007 Oral, Annual European Rheology Conference (Napoli, Italy)
∎ 2004 Oral, International Congress on Rheology (Seoul, South Korea)

 2024 Oral, Webinar Series 2024 (線上研討會)
 2019 Invited seminar talk at Moldex3D (Hsinchu)
∎ 2018 Invited seminar talk at Taiwan Solar Energy Company (Hsinchu)
∎ 2016 Invited seminar talk at National Chung Cheng University (Chiayi)
∎ 2015 Invited seminar talk at National Synchrotron Radiation Research Center (Hsinchu)
∎ 2007 Oral, Symposium of Transport Phenomena and Applications (NTU, Taipei)
∎ 2007 Oral, English session, Annual Polymer Symposium (NTU, Taipei)
∎ 2005 Oral, English session, Annual Polymer Symposium (NCTU, Hsinchu)


∎ B.S. in Chemical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, 2003
∎ Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering, National Chung Cheng University, 2011
∎ Postdoctoral Research Associate, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 20122015

